Wir liefern Qualität und Präzision. Ganz wie unsere Versicherten.

«We deliver quality and precision. Just like our insured persons.»

Key figures

Stability and security are the distinguishing features of the Saurer Pension institution PKSU. For years, the PKSU has maintained an above average funding ratio and has convinced with a consistent performance of its investments.

Key figures as of per 31.12.2023

Funding ratio acc. to BVV2: 123.0%

Total assets: CHF 326.1 Mio.

Performance total assets: +3.9%

Interest on savings capital: +5.5%

Number of insured persons

Total: 765

Actively insured: 381

Pensioners: 385

Important rates

Conversion rate: 6% overall

Discount rate of pensioner actuarial reserve: 1.0%

Calculation basis: BVG 2020, generation table