Wir lieben kurze Wege. Ganz wie unsere Versicherten.

«We keep things simple, fast and reliable. Just like our insured persons.»

Affiliated companies

Originally set-up by the long-established company Saurer AG, the pension institution of Saurer PKSU manages nowadays mostly SMEs. However, a majority of affiliated companies are still part of the industry and technology sector with roots in the history of Saurer, as is evident in our references.

FPT Motorenforschung AG

FPT Motorenforschung AG in Arbon is a part of IVECO Group and responsible for the research and development of drive systems for commercial vehicles. Diesel engines and electric motors as well as Hybrid drives - it covers the entire spectrum. FPT was originally established as a department of the engine research department of Saurer AG, being in charge of the development of commercial vehicles manufactured in Arbon. FPT employs currently around 250 employees.

Garage Saurer AG

The Garage Saurer AG in Conthey and Visp emerged from a former subsidiary or rather service centre for Saurer lorries. They were the official agents to sell, maintain, convert and repair Mercedes-Benz VANS and TRUCKS.

Swiss Embroidery Solutions AG

The Swiss Embroidery Solutions AG is an subsidiary of the company Lässer AG in Diepoldsau. In 2022, Lässer purchased the embroidery business of Saurer Intelligent Technology AG.


HADRO AG in Arbon has been successfully operating in the construction of tools and moulds. The company manufactures sophisticated parts for 5-axis milling machines, prototypes and moulds. The company's origin lies in a Management Buyout of «Saurer Modell- und Formenbau».

Saurer Intelligent Technology AG

Saurer Intelligent Technology AG emerged from a fusion of the public company Adolph Saurer AG and Saurer Intelligent Technology AG. It provides worldwide management services for the Saurer Group at its headquarters in Arbon.